Passionate about web technologies, I am Freelance and DevOps engineer with a strong background in Back-end development, I help businesses optimize their infrastructure and streamline their operations. I specialize in building robust, scalable infrastructures that empower businesses to grow. My goal is to deliver efficient, secure, and automated solutions that align with your business objectives and drive long-term success.
☁️ Cloud Architect - Azure, OutScale
🛠️ Devops - Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible, CI/CD
⌨️ Developer - Python, Nodejs, ReactJs
🚀 Cloud infrastructure deployment / "Infrastructure as Code"
📖 DevOps best practices
⌨️ Back-end Development
💡 Consulting and implementation of architectures
⚙️ Operational best practices
🙂 Operational maintenance of platforms
Predictive pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic simulation for B2B and B2C clients.
Expertise in managing IT infrastructure and production environments. Design, development, and deployment of software architected with a microservices approach. Provisioning and maintenance of virtual machines created via IaaS solutions. Administration of servers, k8s clusters, databases, and monitoring tools. References available upon request.
Back-End Developer
- Design and development of software: REST APIs, CRUD operations, database migration scripts, integration and unit testing (Python/FastAPI, Php/Laravel, SQL MariaDB)
- Executable scripts(Bash, Ubuntu, CentOS)
- Integration of external APIs for SSO connections and consuming data from partners Email templates and graphical interface design(Tkinter, Laravel Blade, Bootstrap)
DevOpsDeployment, provisioning, and maintenance of IT infrastructure:
- CI/CD Pipelines(Bitbucket)
- SaaS resources management(Azure, Linux Ubuntu VMs, Vnet, DB...)
- Microservices cluster and cloud computing(Kubernetes, Helm)
- Cloud-hosted and back-office tools(ELK Stack, K8S Agents, Vault, HelmChart, Nginx, Wordpress)
- Docker images(Docker, Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, DockerHub)
Fields:Geolocation, banking, industrial automation, CRM, customer loyalty
Back-End: Python/Flask, Node.js Java BootStrap Spring
Front-End: ReactJS, Tailwind, MaterialUI, Angular
DevOps: Docker, Docker Compose, Jenkins
If you would like to collaborate with me, you can reach out via UpWork, Malt, LinkedIn, or simply by using this contact form. I would be happy to discuss about your projects!